Using TFS

What is TFS?

It is a tool provided by Microsoft to track issues and bugs.
We use it to track issues with clients making sure you are informed of our work status.

You can submit a bug using a browser by following very few steps.

Where do I go?

Ask an employee of eSense to give you your own credentials, along with a private link to post any issues you have while using our products/systems


Steps to follow

  1. Navigate to your company’s dashboard through the URL given to you by eSense’s team
  2. Use your Microsoft account to sign in (one that you have given to us to sign you in).
  3. The following screen will appear
  4. Step3 


  5. Click on new item button
  6. Select the type: Bug.
  7. Fill the bug tittle, and click on add button.
  8. Open the bug and fill the below fields as per the picture below
  9. 5
  1. Fill the assigned to: eSense Quality Team.
  2. Add tag to verify if the bug on production or staging environments.
  3. Fill the priority and severity.
  4. Fill the steps to duplicate the bug under “Reproduce step” text box.
  5. Fill the expected results under “Acceptance Criteria” text box.
  6. Add a screenshots if possible.
  7. Attach any files you have
  8. Hit save to finish reporting the issue